Inglese Ricette

Breakfast in Argentina – Food and Drink

18 Mag 2021

The breakfast in Argentina is called desayuno or colación. The Argentina’s breakfast it included more dishes for example in the currently breakfast there is a new drink called “mate”, which is accompanied by tortas fritas (fried cakes) and facturas (pastries).

Traditionally the mate is drunk hot.Other options for the breakfast are tostadas (toasted bread) or croissant which in Argentina are called “media luna” and they are usually filled with a melted jam.
It is usually associated with black coffee and Yerba which is always present.
So there are pastries and toasted bread with ham and cheese, and the price for this kind of meal is usually very cheap and it reaches five euro.

Calories in Argentina range from 350 to 200
During lunch you need to take 20% / 15 Carbohydrates.
During the holidays instead of 20% carbohydrates the same as lunch.
During breakfast, the calories are 250.

Tostados are a standalone dish in Mexico and the American Southwest and are also served as a companion to various Mexico foods, mainly seafood and stews, such as menudo, birria and pozole.
Tostadas can be found all over Mexico. It originated from the need for a few days old tortillas before they became too stale to eat.
The culinary traditions are of Mexico, Cuba and Puerto Rico.
The Argentine croissant is it same as the normal croissant.

A cura di TommasoF, MattiaM, GabrieleC, LorenzoG


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