Inglese Sport


24 Gen 2017

Hi, I’m Christian. I’m going to speak about Judo. It’s a sport that I practice once or twice a week.
Judo is a martial art founded in 1882 by Jigoro Kano.

The practitioner is called Judoka and the uniform is named Judoji. Judo is practised on a special mattress called Tatami to appease falls. In Judo, to win, you have to beat your opponent with some special throws or holds. Some basic moves are Osotogari or Ouchigari but there are some more complicated moves like Taiotoshi or Kata Guruma. Judo is also an Olympic Sport and it’s divided in weight divisions (from 60 Kg to over 100 Kg), it became an Olympic discipline in 1964 only for men and in 1988 also for women. It’s divided in ranks, symbolized by a belt that is white for the beginners and red for the pros. The form of practice is called Randori and it means “free practice”.

Nicholas e Christian



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