Cavalier King was born in the UK in the XI century . This breed was created because it was illegal to hunt with a dog which could not pass through a hole 11 inches. A few centuries later the Toy Spaniels became popular as a breed pet. These dogs were the favorite dogs of Carlo II.
Cavalier King is a good and quiet dog, it’s got big and black eyes, and long and soft ears.
Many famous people have a cavalier king for example: Sylvester Stallion, Michelle Williams or Oscar Wilde.
I have a dog of this breed, her name is Bibi. I took Bibi when she was 3 months, she was very small, and she walked awkwardly. When she was young she didn’t eat much but today she eats everything!
Bibi has a particularity, her breed is English, she lives in Itlay and she has a French name because “B” and “B” mean Brigitte Bardot who was a famous actress in the 60′.